Wednesday, March 29, 2017

God Says No

When I first became a Christian and was learning about prayer, I learned the LORD has three answers:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Wait
I once saw a saying that had a 4th response from God: "You've got to be kidding!"

Though it makes us smile, it can be so difficult when God says, "Wait" or "No."

In my head, I know when God says No or Wait, He has my best interest at heart.
I know this, but that doesn't instantly take the disappointment away. When hopes or dreams don't happen, when expectations aren't met, when something easy turns into the most difficult thing in the is hard to remember that the "No" from the Lord is best. When I want to run away from a situation or speak my mind on a matter, and He says "No" it becomes a battle of my flesh and His spirit within me. When the timing for something seems to make sense but God clearly says "Wait.", it can be so difficult to not run ahead of the Lover of my soul who knows exactly what is best for me. It is trying on the soul when I pray, and pray, and pray for someone or a situation, and don't see any change or things get even worse. God has said "Wait" and I impatiently want to see evidence I have been heard.

And often when told "no" or "wait", we grumble and complain. The Israelites did the same thing to God on their way to the promise land. And what is really cloaked under all that murmuring and whining? 

And that is exactly what the Lord reveals to me in how I respond to His answers. I am such a daughter of Eve. For I am doubting Him, not trusting in God when I respond to His "No's" and "Wait" with complaining and fretting. Oh, me of little faith.

I recently journaled, " I feel like the LORD has been telling me No about lots of things lately. I need to be mindful about telling Him Yes about things."

Instead of focusing on His answers, I should be focused on my response to my Lord. My Lord.
Too often, I shamefully admit, I have said the oxymoron, "No, Lord."

Luke 6:46 says, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"

So once again, I humbly bow before the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God and surrender myself to Him.  I choose to press into my God, when my inner brat wants to pull away because I didn't get what I wanted when I wanted it. I look into the heart of my Saviour who bore the cross for me, whose blood washes away my sins, who loves me with an everlasting love, and rejoices over me with singing.  I kneel before my Maker, My Healer, and choose to say "Yes".

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Breathe in Grace

Sunday night as my pastor was preaching, he said that if his grown son was in a car accident, the LORD would give grace to his daughter-in-law.

Snurr instantly leaned over to me and whispered loudly, "Did God give you grace, Mom?"

"Yes," I whispered with a calm, confident voice, as my brain took me back in time and rattled my soul, "God gave me grace."

He did.

He still does.


For every situation.

It is a gift the Lord has for me each morning.

It is a choice for me to open it and receive it.

It is what I breathe in deeply
                 when I hear troubling news,
                            when I am frustrated,
                                   when I am weary,
                                            when I look into the future,
                                                     when I face another loss,
                                                              when the enemy whispers loud accusations,
                                                                          when the Lord seems silent,
                                                                                     when I must make tough decisions,
                                                                                                when I pray for a hard-hearted loved one.

Grace, I have learned, is freely given and in great heaping amounts.....
                though it is given when needed, like manna from heaven, it is provided daily,
and it is my responsibility to gather it daily and look to God in faith the next day for the next need.

Even as I type this, a concern for a loved one comes.
             I pause. I breath in deeply. I breathe in the grace of God for this moment.

I take my tears, my fears, and worry....I shakily exchange them for His grace.
I choose to trust in my Healer, my Creator, and the Lover of my soul.

I breathe deeply His abundant grace.