This time I was coming back from a walk where I had just poured my heart out to the Lord about something and had had a hard cry. And nope, I wasn't smiling. But I know what the mocking reference was to, my recent post titled Eerie Calm.
"Ain't smiling now, are ya?"

I don't know how long I stood there. But my mind remembered a night five months previous and a song that had rallied me to keep on keeping on. So I took a step forward and began to sing the chorus & bridge to a song I recently had heard. It is called "Habakkuk's Song" by Mike Rathke.
Lord, You are good in this,
You are good even in this,
You are good even in this place,
You are worthy to be praised.
Cuz I don't love You for what You can give me.
I don't love You for what You're keeping me from.
You're deserving of the highest praises, oh, whatever may come.
So onward I walked and sang. Sang and walked. No smile on my face. But there was an inward smirk for the enemy had fled. And I continued to praise my Lord Who is so worthy to be praised.
No matter what.
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