Why BB4TheLord2

Why BB4TheLord2: My first blog, bb4thelord.blogspot.com was began a couple years after I became a young widow. After ten years on that journey of widowhood, I took a break from blogging. Now the time has come to begin again. Writing is a gift God has given me and I must get back into using the gifts God has given me.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Look Out the Window

A couple years ago our pastor gave us an amazing analogy that has been seared into my mind. He said to close our eyes and imagine ourselves in a room with God. We have peace within, all our needs are met, and we have complete access to God. Everything is good.

After awhile we notice God standing and looking out the window. It is too high for us to see out. So we ask God to pick us up and let us see what He is looking at. As He does just that, we see a sea of people as far as the eyes can see. A huge mass of people. "Who are they?" we ask. "People My Son died for. Lost ones. Someone needs to leave the room and go to them."

"The door is open. You can come back anytime you need to."

I sat riveted in the pew and looked at the picture. The undistinguished faces became a relative, a teenager I know, the man at the gas station, and others. Pastor preached on, but my mind was stuck on that picture. 

There was one person that stood out. I felt like the Lord would have me focus on that one. In the sea of people, there was at least one person hoping for someone to tell them the truth, to show them the way, to lead them to Christ.

Am I willing to surrender my comfort and go for that one?

I imagined myself leaving the comfort of the room and walking out the door into uncertainty. Once in the masses the sense of the enemy was thick. The undistinguished faces become real people with real things hindering them from seeing God for Who He is and sadly, they don't seek Him. Most people aren't desiring to hear what I have to share. Hearts are hard, cold, apathetic. Doors slam in my face and angry voices are raised. Yet I trudge on. 

My God's Son died for all these. Compassion rises within me. Somewhere there is that one I saw from the window. The one hoping for someone to tell them the truth, to show them the way, to lead them to Christ.

*In this day of social distancing, this picture is mindboggling. But the reality is there is a greater pandemic out there. Unbelief in Jesus Christ as Lord. The Bible is clear that the unbelieving die in their sins. And they never experience the amazing relationship they could have with Christ.

Child of God, there are many ways to creatively reach out to others, to share truth, to lead others to Christ. Be wise, but still be busy for Christ. There is a sea of people around you, even if it is only through technology, that need Christ. 

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